Restore Single NIC Azure VM using Powershell

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Restore Single NIC Azure VM using Powershell

$VaultName = “app–rs” # Vault Name for Recovery Points (Backups)

$VmName = “app-a” # VM Name of the backup to be used

$StAcName = “appd2kjflekhn67u” # Storage Account Name to be used for recovery

$StAcRGName = “appst” # Storage Account Resource Group Name

$Region = “UK South”

$RestoredVmName = “db-a” # Name for Restored VM (Can be same name as source if souce has been deleted)

$destination_path = “C:tempvmconfig.json” # Path to download config file
#### Set context

Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesVault -Name $VaultName | Set-AzureRmRecoveryServicesVaultContext

#### Select required VM

$backupitem = Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesBackupItem -BackupManagementType AzureVM -WorkloadType AzureVM -Name $VmName

#### List available recovery points for up to 7 days old or alter value (-7)

$startDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)

$endDate = Get-Date

$rp = Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesBackupRecoveryPoint -Item $backupitem -StartDate $startdate.ToUniversalTime() -EndDate $enddate.ToUniversalTime()

$rp | ft

#Select the restore point – 0 = Most recent RP, 1 = 2nd newest RP etc…

Write-Host “Select the restore point – latest is 0, next is 1 etc…” -ForegroundColor Red

$rpselected = ($input = Read-Host)

$rps = $rp[$rpselected]

#### Define Storage Account to be used

$restorejob = Restore-AzureRMRecoveryServicesBackupItem -RecoveryPoint $rps -StorageAccountName $StAcName -StorageAccountResourceGroupName $StAcRGName

#### Start Restore Job


#### Monitor job status

Do {

Start-Sleep -Seconds 180

Get-Date -Format T

$JobStatus = Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesBackupJobDetails -job $restorejob


$JobStatusCheck = $JobStatus.Status

} While ($JobStatusCheck -eq “InProgress”)

If ($JobStatusCheck -ne “Completed”) {

Write-Host “Seems Job has not completed successfully!”



Write-Host “Creating VM from restored disks” -ForegroundColor Yellow

### Get details for restored disks

Write-Host “Getting details for restored disks” -ForegroundColor Yellow

$details = Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesBackupJobDetails -job $restorejob

#### used for the restore process. Do not alter

$properties = $

$storageAccountName = $properties[“Target Storage Account Name”]

$containerName = $properties[“Config Blob Container Name”]

$blobName = $properties[“Config Blob Name”]

#### Set the Azure storage context and restore the JSON configuration file

Write-Host “Setting Azure storage context and restore the JSON configuration file” -ForegroundColor Yellow

Set-AzureRmCurrentStorageAccount -Name $storageaccountname -ResourceGroupName $StAcRGName

Get-AzureStorageBlobContent -Container $containerName -Blob $blobName -Destination $destination_path

$obj = ((Get-Content -Path $destination_path -Encoding Unicode)).TrimEnd([char]0x00) | ConvertFrom-Json

#### Use the JSON configuration file to create the VM configuration

Write-Host “Creating VM configuration from JSON config” -ForegroundColor Yellow

$vm = New-AzureRmVMConfig -VMSize $obj.HardwareProfile.VirtualMachineSize -VMName $RestoredVmName

#### Attach the OS disk and data disks

Write-Host “Attaching OS and data disks” -ForegroundColor Yellow

Set-AzureRmVMOSDisk -VM $vm -Name “OsDisk12” -VhdUri $obj.StorageProfile.OSDisk.VirtualHardDisk.Uri -CreateOption “Attach”

$vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.OsType = $obj.StorageProfile.OSDisk.OperatingSystemType

foreach($dd in $obj.StorageProfile.DataDisks)


    $vm = Add-AzureRmVMDataDisk -VM $vm -Name “datadisk1” -VhdUri $dd.VirtualHardDisk.Uri -DiskSizeInGB $null -Lun $dd.Lun -CreateOption Attach


#### Network settings

Write-Host “Configuring Network settings” -ForegroundColor Yellow

## Get Nic URI

$PrimaryNIC = $obj.NetworkProfile | select -ExpandProperty NetworkInterfaces | Where-Object {$_.Primary -eq “True”} | select ReferenceURI | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders

## Get Nic Name from URI

$NicURIstring = $PrimaryNIC | Out-String

$PNicNameURI = $NicURIstring.Split(“/”)[-1]

$PNicName = $PNicNameURI.trim()

$GetPrimaryNic = Get-AzureRmNetworkInterface -Name $PNicName -ResourceGroupName $StAcRGName

$VM = Add-AzureRmVMNetworkInterface -VM $VM -Id $GetPrimaryNic.Id -Primary

$OtherNICs = ($obj.NetworkProfile | select -ExpandProperty NetworkInterfaces | Where-Object {$_.Primary -ne “True”} | select ReferenceURI | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders | Out-String).Trim()

$OtherNICs.Split(“`r”) | % {

$NicURIstring = $_

$ONicNameURI = $NicURIstring.Split(“/”)[-1]

$ONicName = $ONicNameURI.trim()

$GetOtherNic = Get-AzureRmNetworkInterface -Name $ONicName -ResourceGroupName $StAcRGName

$VM = Add-AzureRmVMNetworkInterface -VM $VM -Id $GetOtherNic.Id}

#### Create VM

Write-Host “Creating VM $RestoredVmName” -ForegroundColor Yellow

$vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.OsType = $obj.StorageProfile.OSDisk.OperatingSystemType

New-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $StAcRGName -Location $Region -VM $vm

### END SCRIPT ###

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