Reclaim VMFS deleted blocks on thin-provisioned LUNs

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If you use thin provisioned VMFS datastores you will maybe face the problem that unused space on the storage is not released automatically when you delete or migrate a virtual machine.vSphere 5.0 introduced the VAAI Thin Provisioning Block Space Reclamation (UNMAP) Primitive. This feature was designed to efficiently reclaim deleted space to meet continuing storage needs. ESXi 5.x issues UNMAP commands for space reclamation during several operations. 

Connect to VM host using SSH

Step 1: 
First get the naa ID from the affected LUN. You can do this by using the command:
# esxcli storage vmfs extent list

Step 2: 
To confirm if SCSI UNMAP is supported on a LUN, open an SSH session to a host and run this command:
# esxcli storage core device vaai status get -d naa.xxxxxxxx

Step 3:

 if deleted status supported run following command to reclaim free space
If you want to release 60 percent of the free memory extend the command with 60:
vmkfstools -y 60

Few Useful Commands:

Lun Information:on storage array

lun show -v /vol/vol2/thin-lun

Detailed volume information:
vmkfstools -Ph -v 1 /vmfs/volumes/source-datastore/

The vmkfstools -y command is deprecated in ESXi 5.5. To reclaim unused storage blocks on a VMFS datastore for a thin-provisioned device, run the command: 

esxcli storage vmfs unmap --volume-label=volume_label|--volume-uuid=volume_uuid --reclaim-unit=number

For example, for a VMFS volume named MyDatastore with UUID of 509a9f1f-4ffb6678-f1db-001ec9ab780e, run the command: 

esxcli storage vmfs unmap -l MyDatastore --reclaim-unit=200
esxcli storage vmfs unmap -u 509a9f1f-4ffb6678-f1db-001ec9ab780e -n 200


  • It should be noted that this process can lead to high latency on the affected LUNs. So this work should better be done during a maintenance window. 
  • Calculate reclamation size based upon datastore free space; you cannot reclaim more space than the datastore is able to provide.
  • This command creates temporary hidden files at the top level of the datastore with names using the .vmfsBalloon* pattern (for example, .vmfsBalloonGdwBBv). These files can be as large as the aggregate size of blocks being reclaimed. If the reclaim operation or storage access is interrupted, these temporary files might not be automatically deleted and you must delete them manually to create free space on the datastore.

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