HC wizard involves the following steps:
- Creating the Hybrid Configuration Object
Opening the Exchange Management Console, navigating to the root Organization Configuration node, then on the Hybrid Configuration tab, choose New Hybrid Configuration: You’ll then see a quick two-step Wizard that creates the Hybrid Configuration Object with default settings. Next, select the new Hybrid Configuration object from the list, then choose Manage Hybrid Configuration to begin entering configuration information:
- Providing Credentials
You first need to enter credentials for your on-premises Exchange organization and Office 365 tenant – both of these credentials should be administrative credentials, for example: An on premise user account with Organization Management rights, An Office 365 Global Administrator or user with Exchange Online Organization management rights.
- Choosing Accepted Domains
Select your accepted domains that we want to use in the Hybrid configuration, which should already be registered within Office 365 and of course accepted domains within our Exchange on-premises organization
- Confirming Accepted Domain Ownership
After choosing the domains we’re going to pair up with Office 365, we’ll need to re-affirm that we’re the owner of the domain. Although we’ve proved to Office 365 that we own the domain as part of the tenant setup process, we’ll also need to prove domain ownership to the Microsoft Federation Gateway. For each domain you choose, you’ll see the Provisioning Status, Domain Name and the Record Value status:
The Record Value is the field we’ll need to set up as a DNS Text (TXT) record within each domain listed as Pending. As this value is longer than you can easily see above, copy and paste the values out into your text editor of choice, then with your external DNS provider for each specific domain configure the DNS TXT record.
- Choosing On-Premise Servers
Here we’ll select the Client Access Servers that provide our internet-facing (or perhaps just office 365 facing) names for services including Exchange Web Services, and also select the Hub Transport servers that will be used to relay messages to and from the Office 365:
- Defining Mail Flow Settings & Selecting Mail Flow Certificates
This will be configured both in our new on-premise receive connectors and Forefront Online Protection for Exchange (FOPE).
First, we’ll need to provide the external IP addresses that relate to the Transport Servers participating in the Hybrid Relationship, and we’ll need to enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) used for the on-premises Exchange servers. This is less about the DNS entry itself but more about the certificate that will be used, and the FQDN that the Send Connector presents to FOPE when asked:
On the final configuration page of the Hybrid Configuration Wizard, we’ll need to set to final options; the certificate used by all Hub Transport servers that participate in the Hybrid configuration, and the mail flow for outbound mail from Office 365.
The certificate used must be present on each server, otherwise it won’t be available from the drop down list – and you’ll need connectivity from the machine you’re running the Hybrid Configuration Wizard on to each Hub Transport Server to retrieve the list of certificates.
- Monitoring progress and completing the wizard
Firstly, you can navigate to the Logs folder for the Hybrid Configuration Wizard, and take a look at the latest log file – typically located in the following location:
C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14LoggingUpdate-HybridConfiguration
You’ll see within the log file the list of checks, test and cmdlets that have so far been executed along with timestamps:
Credit to : Microsoft MSDN, Exchange.org
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