Importing multiple contacts from a VCards (vcf) file

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Outlook only allows us to convert into vCard format (a vcf file). However you can only convert one contact at a time. Also outlook import functionally limited to 1 vcf-file at a time. We may can have multiple contacts in vcf file but outlook will only import the first contact in that file. Imagine if you have 100’s contact which we do have now a days, it would be very cumbersome to import one by one.
·         Export to csv file
·         Import to windows contacts
·         Use a 3rd party add-in
·         Script
Export & Import to a CSV file
·         Outlook 2007 and previous
File-> Import and Export-> Import from another program or file-> Comma Separates Values (Windows)
·         Outlook 2010
File-> Open-> Import-> Import from another program or file-> Comma Separates Values (Windows)
·         Outlook 2013
File-> Open & Export-> Import/Export-> Import from another program or file-> Comma Separates Values
Import to Windows contacts first
Importing to windows contact support importing both a folder containing multiple vcf files or importing from single v-card containing multiple contacts.
Windows Contacts is a default Windows folder which you can find in your user profile folder.
By default, this location is;
Use 3rdparty vCard add-in
As outlook import functionality is quite limited, we may can use some third party add-ins to improve that.
Few popular one are followings
May be you can create your own script or download one from following location

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