Upgrade Netapp Data ONTAP
I am Upgrading form 8.1.2 7-Mode to 8.1.4P7 7-Mode
1. Review Data ONTAP Release Notes and Upgrade/Revert/Downgrade Guide. Be sure to read the Release Notes as well as the Data ONTAP 8.1.4P7 Upgrade Guide for important information and technical detail before beginning your upgrade.
2. Download and run Config Advisor.Before upgrading Data ONTAP, validate your configurations for 7-Mode HA, clustered Data ONTAP, and/or Flexpod by going to the NetApp Support Site and download the Config Advisor tool to check for common configuration errors. To download the tool, log in to the NetApp Support Site and go to Downloads Utility ToolChest
3. Before upgrading Data ONTAP, monitor CPU and disk utilization for 30 seconds by entering the following command at the console of each storage controller:
sysstat -c 10 -x 3
The values in the CPU and Disk Util columns are strongly recommended not to exceed 50%
for all ten measurements reported. Ensure that no additional load is added to the storage
system until the upgrade completes.
Download perfstat and run it on a client as follows:
perfstat -f filername -t 4 -i 5 > perfstatname.out
Save this output file for a couple of weeks after the upgrade is complete
4. Download the system files for Data ONTAP 8.1.4P7 ( 814P7_q_image.tgz ) from the NetApp
Support Site. Be sure to download the system files that match your node’s model.
NOTE : If you are performing a Data ONTAP NDU (or backout), you must perform this step on both nodes before performing the takeover and giveback steps.
Copy the system file to netapp cif share \SAN-IPc$etcsoftware
5. Connect to the console of the node and trigger an AutoSupport:
SAN-01> options autosupport.doit “starting_NDU
6. Install and Download System Files. At the console of each system, enter the following command :
software update file_name -r
When you use the software update command without the -d option, the download command is executed by default.
7. Terminate CIFS on the node to be taken over ( SAN-02 ):
SAN-02> cifs terminate
8. Takeover and giveback sequence between nodes.
From SAN-01, take over the data service from the partner node SAN-02
SAN-01> cf takeover
Wait 8-10 minutes to ensure the following conditions:
After SAN-02 reboots and displays “waiting for giveback”, give back the data service:
SAN-01> cf giveback
Terminate CIFS on the node to be taken over ( SAN-01 ):
SAN-01> cif terminate
From the newly upgraded node SAN-02, take over the data service from SAN-01
SAN-02> cf takeover
Wait 8 minutes to ensure the following conditions:
– Client multipathing (if deployed) is stabilized.
– Clients are recovered from the pause in I/O that occurs during takeover.
The recovery time is client-specific and may take longer than 8 minutes depending on the
characteristics of the client applications.
After the first node reboots and displays “waiting for giveback”, give back the data service:
SAN-02> cf giveback
If giveback is not initiated, complete the following steps:
1. Address the condition described in the error message, ensuring that any identified
operations are terminated gracefully.
2. Enter the cf giveback command with the -f option:
cf giveback –f
9. Verify the upgrade completed successfully to Data ONTAP 8.1.4P7:
10. Enter the following command to verify that the HA relationship is operational:
cf status
11. Better to perform following Post update steps
Verified upgrade completed successfully
Verified HA status
Verfied storage status
verfired aggr status
verfied vol visibilty
verified nic interfaces availability
verfied no disk offline
verfied no background update in process
Run config advisory and save output
Run performance and matched with benchmark