There are few steps we need to complete to restore specific mailbox.
1. Restore an exchange server mailbox database to alternative location. This can be achieved by running Windows server backup
Complete the entire steps in wizard, Sorry I can’t go in very detail here. But it’s very easy GUI steps.
2. It may be possible that recover data base is in Dirty Shutdown State. This can be checked by running following command in exchange power shell (Don’t forget to Run PowerShell in Admin)
[PS] D:>eseutil /mh ‘D:RecoveryD_DataEX201Mailbox Database EX2 01.edb
3. Next check the state of the log files with the following ESEUtil command, specifying the path to the restored log files. Note the end of the path is the log file prefix, in this case “E00″.
[PS] D:>eseutil /ml D:RecoveryE_LogsEX201E00
If no damage log found, Run next command
4. Now we can run ESEUtil in recovery mode to bring the database into a clean shutdown state.
[PS] D:>eseutil /r E00 /i /l D:RecoveryE_LogsEX201 /d 'D:RecoveryD_DataEX201Mailbox Database EX2 01.edb'
Now run ESEUtil to check the database state again (perform step 2 again). It should be in clean shutdown state. Note: if the database is still in a dirty shutdown state you can try a repair using ESEUtil /p instead.
5. The next stage of the recovery process is creating the Recovery Database. Launch the Exchange Management Shell. Run the New-MailboxDatabase cmdlet with the following parameters:
· -Recovery:$true (specifies that the database will be a Recovery Database)
· -EdbFilePath (the path to the restored mailbox database file)
· -LogFolderPath (the path to be used for transaction log files, which must be an empty folder)
· -Server (the server that the recovery is being performed on)
Run following command
[PS] D:>New-MailboxDatabase RecoveryDB -Server EX2 -Recovery:$true -EdbFilePath ‘D:RecoveryD_DataEX201Mailbox Database EX2 01.edb’ -LogFolderPath ‘D:RecoveryE_LogsEX201-RecoveryDB’
6. Ignore any warning and mount the data base by running following command
[PS] D:>Mount-Database RecoveryDB
7. With the recovery database mounted we can now proceed with mailbox item restores. You can see the available items to restore by looking at the mailbox statistics for the recovery database
[PS] D:>Get-MailboxStatistics -Database RecoveryDB
[PS] D:>Restore-Mailbox -Identity “Alex Heyne” -RecoveryDatabase RecoveryDB -RecoveryMailbox “Alex Heyne” -TargetFolder Restore
Restore item should now be available in user Alex Heyne mailbox.