Install and configure Azure CLI on Linux

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Download and install the necessary dependencies for the Azure CLI
yum install npm
2. Using the newly installed package from Step 1, install the Azure CLI
npm install -g azure-cli
3. Verify the Azure CLI is install correctly and is working as expected
azure --help
4. Using the appropriate Azure command, login to the Azure system, following the instructions regarding associating your portal account with this CLI instance.
azure login
NOTE: You will be asked to open a web browser to a specific site and enter a code provided by this command. Once provided, the command will complete and end with:
5. You need to configure your Azure CLI to use the Resource Manager mode for resource and deployment management, please enter the appropriate command and options to do so.
azure config mode arm
6. List the available accounts in your Azure CLI configuration now that configuration is completed.

azure account list 

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