Cloning a virtual machine disk via ESXi host

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Cloning a virtual machine disk without delta files or snapshots

To clone a virtual machine disk using the ESX/ESXi host terminal:

  1. Log into the terminal of the ESX/ESXi host.
  2. Navigate to the virtual machine’s directory using the cd command. It is located at:


  3. Confirm the destination directory where the clone will be copied to. Create this directory, if required.

    For example, if this destination directory does not exist:


    Create the directory using this command:

    mkdir /vmfs/volumes/destination_datastore/virtual_machine/

  4. Clone the virtual hard disk using the vmkfstools -i command after shutting down the virtual machine:

    # vmkfstools -i /vmfs/volumes/Storage1/examplevm/examplevm.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/Storage2/examplevm_clone.vmdk
    The output appears similar to:

    Destination disk format: VMFS thick
    Cloning disk ‘/vmfs/volumes/Storage1 (3)/examplevm/examplevm.vmdk’…
    Clone: 100% done.


    • Encapsulate objects with quotes where appropriate to ensure spaces and other special characters are interpreted correctly.
    • By default, the vmkfstools -i command will create a destination thick provisioned disk. If you would like the destination disk to be thin provisioned, add -d thin to the end of the above command.


      # vmkfstools -i /vmfs/volumes/Storage1/examplevm/examplevm.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/Storage2/examplevm_clone.vmdk -d thin

Cloning a virtual machine disk with delta files or snapshots

To clone a virtual machine disk using the ESX/ESXi host terminal:

  1. Log into the ESX/ESXi host’s terminal.
  2. Navigate to the virtual machine’s directory using the cd command. It is located at:


  3. Confirm the destination directory where the clone will be copied to. Create this directory, if required.
    For example, if this destination directory does not exist:

    /vmfs/volumes/destination_datastore/virtual_machine/Create the directory using this command:

    mkdir /vmfs/volumes/destination_datastore/virtual_machine/

  4. Clone the virtual hard disk from its current snapshot delta point using the vmkfstools -i command.

    # vmkfstools -i /vmfs/volumes/Storage1/examplevm/examplevm-000003.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/Storage2/examplevm_clone.vmdk

    The output appears similar to:

    Destination disk format: VMFS thick
    Cloning disk ‘/vmfs/volumes/Storage1 (3)/examplevm/examplevm-000003.vmdk’…
    Clone: 100% done.

    Note: If the process fails, try selecting the next snapshot delta point in the snapshot tree. The selected point or one of its parents may be corrupt.

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